Flea & Tick Prevention
Flea & Tick Prevention
Get up to $66 in savings on your pet’s flea and tick preventative products!
Protect your pet and family from flea and tick infestations, dermatitis secondary to allergies, and serious, sometimes fatal, infectious diseases that can be transmitted by them. Fleas and ticks are easy to prevent, and we can help. Each of our products are medically approved, safe, and guaranteed to help protect your family.
How and when should I prevent fleas & ticks? Because fleas and ticks can be found outside all year long, it is important that your pet is always protected. If you see signs of fleas or ticks on your pet, start treatment immediately. We offer a series of medically-approved, easy-to use products that are guaranteed to protect your pet.
Download our brochure to learn more!
Discover how you can save 10% on flea and tick prevention for your cat or dog when you sign up for one of our Paws4Wellness packages. Learn more here.